T's & C's for Attended Courses and Activities Bookings

T's and C's of Booking On A Wild Harvest Course or Activity

When you book a course or activity here, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions at the point of booking.

To keep our small but cute tipi site running cleanly, safely and smoothly we ask the following:

PARKING - Please park inside the gate (we get told off for roadside parking), once inside please park sensibly trying not to block gates or access or egress of residents vehicles,  it is a tight squeeze at the moment due to development so please do bring as few cars as possible.  Where on-site parking is provided guests accept that they park their vehicles at their own risk.

FIRE SAFETY - Only use kindling, logs and fire-lighters provided, do not throw musical birthday cards or anything with small batterie, nor empty aerosols into the fire, do not sit on the edge of the fire or stand on the bricks of the fire.   Fire extinguishers are available in the garden, in the cosy hut and in the outside loo.  The fire meeting place is in the car park by the sign.

SMOKING is permitted outside buildings  - not in the loo, sleeping, or teaching areas.  Please dispose of butts in the fire pit not in the bins or compost heaps.

NEW - COVID protocol.  We have in place new measures to ensure the safety of our customers and staff against covid.   These are an extensive new covid specific cleaning protocol, a covid specific risk assessment added on to our usual venue risk assessment and an activities/teaching session based covid risk assessment. These are available separately they will either be sent to you or you can see them at anytime by request.

Legal docs for wild harvest

1. Copyright

It is a sad fact that when a business grows, customers often want to copy it and feel, despite often not having the years of experience living the subject; want to teach it anyway.
Whilst it is great that sustainable teaching is becoming popular, sadly this increasing phenomena isn't flattery. It's my exact business model, combination of offerings, course titles and even recipes that are being taken for the price of an ebook download. WH day courses and books are to empower women to help themselves, not help themselves to my business model that I have spent 16 years building up, and is based on even longer experience of the subjects I teach. I run business to business courses if your interest is to teach and my franchisees who pay for the ability to offer Wild Harvest's exact products, need protecting and going forward I need to protect our offering for new wild harvest franchisees.
 It is not acceptable to take a short wild harvest. course and learn some of my own-developed recipes, methods and processes and combinations of; then (even modifying them slightly), setting up in competition to myself and my franchisees, even using the exact course name.
Included in terms and conditions for all courses going forward (and some folk are being contacted retrospectively) that the teaching of product recipes and methods; even modified, if learned on a wild harvest course or from a wild harvest book will be prohibited from being replicated for the purposes of business. This is especially but not exclusively if the word Wild is also added to the business name.
Anyone doing this will be asked to cease and receive a letter from our solicitors notifiying them of our intention to bring legal proceedings to be fined for loss of earnings from wild harvest and her franchisees by using our creations in direct teaching competition.
I think this is wholey fair, I have spent years taking a small wage to grow sustainable education to help other women, the business to business side is my reward for doing so, and I will not allow this to be jeopardised.
If you want to come to me to set up a business, I have a range of courses to suit but I am now legally protecting my general public facing teaching as am sick of seeing 'wild' this and that' offering my recipes, coupled with concepts passed as own and exact course titles. Like I say I am protecting our franchisees commitment to doing this ethically.
Please be aware of this before booking a course with us, the new terms and conditions will have this in them so ensure you EITHER book on a business to business course OR do not use the course contents to set up a teaching business. If you book on a foraging teaching course you are NOT buying the right to set up a course called Wild Beauty and teach my recipes, so again ensure you are choosing the exact right course for your business goals.
If you recognised yourself in reading this , my solicitor says all associations can be easily proven as all our bookings are taken online, so this is your chance to get creating your own original content and combinations of (note he says not 'variations of'), unique to your own business model and branding or come onboard and join us.
Thanking you for your understanding.


2. Terms of Booking

Cancellation, Returned Deposit & Non-Arrival Conditions

we can't refund or transfer you to a future course. 
You may however gift it or sell it to a friend. Just let us know (or get them to tell us) their email address for updates and name.
The reasons we can't keep refunding and transferring (we get about ten requests a week) are as follows, (see image) so please understand our gentle 'no'.  


For Group Activity Bookings:

Expressly for group activity bookings we are now making it clear, there are no refunds available for individuals in your party who book then later decide they can't attend.  There are many logical reasons for this and these can be found in our new, standard email template  sent out to those who ask for individual refunds within the group booking:


Thanks for your message, it is our policy that we can't do individual cancellations within a group booking.  This is for two reasons:

Firstly, it would be a part time job as EVERY single group size changes - some drop out, then a month later another is booked on.  We've done this 17 years now, so know how it goes, it's hard to organise a group we know that, but it would be impossible at our end on a national scale now to deal with individual cancellations and re-add ons in every group we see.   So we accept the booking according the number quoted, as our resources and tutors are booked on the viability of each session, then if anyone drops out, and is not replaced in the coming months (which to be fair often happens)  we say that you can make (or take away the items to make), the missing person their craft.

Secondly, we need to be able to plan ahead for booking staff/ordering resources and would be daily refunding/rebooking for every single group; its not practical time-wise to administer lots of refunds for changes of situations at our end, as a small sustainable education business, time spent refunding and being left with excess stock (some of our materials are perishable eg. toiletries materials).

Usually our groups are happy to make the extra item or take the materials for the person who couldn't come to have a memory of the group event.

We email you the week before your session to confirm details of place etc.  and should no one else have filled this girls place (they usually privately exchange the £23 however, bacs etc with the new person), then they will still get their craft. 

We simply can't operate with lots of individual cancellations from each group, each week, hence this reasonable offering.  We are a group booking facility, rather than contracted with each individual, and have had 17 years in business with many happy customers, so look forward to soon be with you all for a fun, productive nature-inspired activities session!

The link to the terms and conditions for our glamping/day courses/activities bookings is HERE. 

Thanks for your understanding, and we look forward to seeing you soon!




In the rare event we need to cancel your booking with us, please be aware that we cannot be held liable for circumstances beyond our control and that our liability to you is limited to the refund of any payment already made.

3. WiFi Fair & Appropriate Usage Policy

Where WiFi Internet access is provided, guests accept to use this access to the Internet fairly and appropriately. We may monitor network performance and user usage in order to maintain a fair and high level of service to all our guests.

The Internet access provided is intended for general use such as access to the world wide web, email, messaging, social media, light video / music / media streaming. It is not intended or ideally suited for heavy media streaming, online gaming, extensive downloads / uploads. Access to illegal activity or use of our network for illegal activity is not prohibited and will be reported to local authorities.

4. Damages & Lost Property

We reserve the right to charge the lead guest for any damages caused through the course of a booking by any member of the booking party. This includes breakages, spillages, stains, damage to furniture or fixtures and fittings. Any accidental damages should be reported as soon as possible in order to minimise damage and associated costs. Any lost property, if discovered and found, left behind by guests during a stay will be held for a period of 1 month. While we will make our best efforts to reunite lost property with their owners we accept no responsibility in replacing lost items and encourage guests to ensure they have all their belonging before checking-out. We may offer to post lost items via recorded delivery at the cost of the property owner, otherwise collection can be arranged.

5. Smoking

Smoking of any tobacco products including, but not limited to cigarettes, pipes, cigars, snuff or chewing tobacco, is only allowed in outside areas and not inside any buildings and is in accordance with the Health Act 2006.


We do not accept pets throughout the accommodation, for various reasons, though we do love animals.


Accessibility Statement

We have provided an accessibility and access statement here, which you can download and read.

Your Personal Details & Privacy

Our policy surrounding the personal details you provide as part of any booking or enquiry through this website / or third party website, including the privacy of those details are explained and set out in our Privacy Policy which you can read here.



Terms and Conditions for Provision of  Courses/Activities

There is a no smoking policy during sessions

No alcohol is to be consumed during  archery sessions or fire by friction sessions, If the teacher feels the sessions' safety is compromised by the consumption of alcohol they can stop the session immediately or ask the persons involved to leave.  In such cases a refund will not be given. 

If a tutor feels their personal safety is at risk by the behaviour of yourself or one member of your group they have the right to stop your session with no refund.

All full day courses involve refreshments  - we can’t always guarantee we have dairy and gluten free alternatives available so if you have any special dietary requirements do please give up a weeks notice to get you something in email to hello@wildharvest.org

If you have any special requirements due to illness or disability please let us know in advance by email to hello@wildharvest.org or phone 07561862507 to let us know what reasonable adjustments we can make to help you attend.  All information is deleted after we have made the adjustments - we will not store personal information on this beyond the date it is required.

Thank you for your understanding



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