Our Accessibility Statement

Equality of access is built in to everything we teach.  We:

  • Arrange timings to suit arrival on public transport
  • Encourage car sharing with lift sharing emails
  • Have a bike shed
  • Choose paths for walks that are accessible to wheelchair users and buggies.
  • Allow children to come along free on walks
  • Have a left handed tool for everything we have a right handed tool for.
  • Print all handouts in a size 14 simple to read font, and can create your own handout in a preferred font size/type.
  • We always ask on courses or walks if you can hear or see clearly and if not, invite you to the front.
  • We occasionally run women only events to enable women who may otherwise not access this type of education to feel comfortable coming alone.


It is our mission that absolutely nothing impedes your access to learning.  If there is something that we may have overlooked please do email, in private, to hello@wildharvest.org and we will make all reasonable effort to meet your needs.

Unfortunately the gravel on the large farm drive doesn't make the farm itself suitable for wheelchair users, but in this instance we can arrange a course at a venue to suit, or even pop up a tipi in the garden so that we can teach from there, and you can access the loo easily on the hard path.

Our sleeping beds are also somewhere between camping and home, so if you have any issues about sleeping arrangements please ask in advance.

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