Hen Party Activities Newcastle

Eco Hen Party Activities Newcastle

Alternative Hen Party Activities in Newcastle

How to plan an alternative, affordable hen party activity in Newcastle that doesn't cost the Earth.

Are you looking for a Newcastle based  hen party idea that is original, affordable but also a 'Hen Do' that doesn't cost the earth?

Hen parties in Newcastle often find it hard to book something that is cool, fun, interesting and that they can afford too.  Often 'Hens' are Mothers, students, or working hard to build a life and don't have loads of cash to spare.

Furthermore hen parties in Newcastle are also more aware these days about how they spend their money environmentally-wise - they want FUN but they don't want their hen party activities to leave a carbon foot print the bride-to-be will be repaying long after the fun has passed.  They are conscious consumers!

So, if you are looking for a classy hen do, without all the plastic tat, you will be pleased to know that it IS possible to plan a hen party that is BOTH affordable and environmentally friendly.  Tyne and Wear based Boho Brides and their bride tribe can now book a wide range of alternative hen party activities.

The usual choices for hen parties in the Newcastle area are:

  • Life drawing
  • Stripper
  • Butler in the Buff
  • Cocktail making

The above can be 'good fun if a tad cringey' or cheesily overdone.  Is your bride-to-be looking for a Newcastle hen party that is a little more creative for example, do they like crafts?  Check out their ideas for their upcoming wedding to see if they seem to like Natural, crafty styling.  If so, you could be onto a winner organising a creative craft hen party.

Hen Party Craft Workshops in Newcastle.

Hen party craft workshops can be the perfect solution for an alternative, affordable hen party.

The providers can usually come to you meaning it's 'no hassle' fun, wherever you are eg a cafe, pub, or if you have hired a venue for your hen party in the area, they can come to a hotel or glamping site.   A hen party craft workshop is usually a mobile option, making them ideal for a home-based hen party.  The best part is; each guest gets to 'make-and-take-away' something beautiful for the price too.  Not just a hangover!  Natural craft workshops give a Glasto Greenfields feel to the coolest hen party.

Think boho flower crowns, beeswax candles, tinted natural lip balms and naturally scented bath bombs.  Willow weaving or leather love-journal-making workshops too, mean there really is something for everyone!  Plus, the crafts chosen have to be suitable for total beginners yet produce beautiful useable results.  Who doesn't love a party bag to take home full of hand-made goodies?

Here is our checklist for ensuring you get the perfect, affordable alternative hen party activity in Newcastle.

  1. Ask: are the materials Natural?  I'm sure that your bride to be would prefer not to be causing pollution with her celebration.  (for our blog on organising an eco hen party click HERE)
  2. Do they come to you or do you need to organise transport?
  3. Are they insured?
  4. Do they have a 100% turn-up rate?  Can you rely on them coming?
  5. How long have they been in business - you want your party to be in experienced, capable hands.
  6. Do they have Covid risk assessments showing they are aware about reducing shared touch points and regular sanitisation etc. to help keep you safe?
  7. Can you read plenty of reviews as proof that they are really as good as they claim?
  8. Have they been featured by any of the big National 'girl' mags showing a good reputation nationally?

To find hen party providers in Newcastle, you can simply do an online search OR we have made it easy for you...

To ensure you get ALL the above ticked off in one go, simply follow this link; HERE, to see what Wild Harvest Hen parties can offer for your Tyneside hen do...  

From that page you can download a FREE twenty-page Hen Party Planner to print off and complete with your friends!

We are here to make this easy, affordable and sustainably fun!

Happy Planning

Di and the Team @ Wild Harvest Tipis and Activities


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